
Studio wallpaper

KSh 2,000.00

In choosing your studio wallpaper there are a couple of things you need to remember. You shouldn’t use any other color other than black, grey or white in a photo studio. This is because other colors leave undesirable colored shadows on your photos. Black, grey and white work well. White wallpaper diffuses light in the […]


In choosing your studio wallpaper there are a couple of things you need to remember. You shouldn’t use any other color other than black, grey or white in a photo studio. This is because other colors leave undesirable colored shadows on your photos. Black, grey and white work well. White wallpaper diffuses light in the studio, while black and grey shades absorb most of the light.

Product photography is a profitable, fun, and in-demand niche. Using a studio for product photography demands you control the lighting. And not be limited to daylight. Therefore black and grey wallpaper comes in handy to diffuse your lighting. This ensures that the lighting spreads across and around your product evenly, without casting overexposed spots in an image.

Studio Dark room wallpaper

Black wallpaper is suitable to make a dark room completely dark. And to allow the processing of light-sensitive photographic materials. Because you must keep color print in complete darkness until the prints are properly fixed paper. This is necessary as color prints are sensitive to all parts of the visible spectrum.

Gallery wall display

You should incorporate an intimate space to meet with clients. Since you will probably not be shooting much in the studio, use the space more for meeting clients.

The gallery wall behind you will showcase you work. Plain white wallpaper is a beautiful way to showcase the what you have to offer. As well as the frame options. Since it’s a gallery wall, it showcases the ways you can style your clients’ photos in their home. Stark white wallpaper serve as a perfect background for framed photographs, prints, and other artwork.


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