Yes we have many different One Color Wallpaper for Walls. But You don’t have to use the exact same one color wallpaper for wall in every room. All the same you should connect the wallpaper colors throughout your house. Especially if the house has an open floor plan. Color continuity creates a cohesion and color harmony because the eyes flow smoothly from one room to the other.
With the resurgence of wallpaper, wallpapering has become increasingly common in Kenya. It has also become affordable. In the past people used to wallpaper one wall in an as wallpaper was too expensive for most people. Wallpapering one feature wall is best done using multi-color patterned wallpaper. Which is why you might be wondering whether there exists such a thing as one color wallpaper for walls. And the answer is yes. Visit us at Wallpaper Kenya for your selection.
Using the same one color wallpaper walls in each room is only one way to achieve color continuity. But that doesn’t mean you have to wallpaper every room with the same color wallpaper. Although you can if the color isn’t too shouting or bold.
All you need do is use that same wallpaper somewhere significant in every room. The other wallpaper colors in each room can vary.
If you want to wallpaper each room with a different shade of the same color wallpaper, use the light versions for bedrooms, living areas and kitchens. Keep the darker shades for entry halls, dining rooms and areas where you don’t spend much time. Otherwise, the dark wallpaper may feel too intense.
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