239225 Slate grey plain color wallpaper

KSh 2,500.00

239225 slate grey wallpaper is one of our solid plain color wallpaper. The slate gray is a gray color with a slight azure tinge that is a representation of the average color of slate rock. You will love the combination of colors, an equal mix of purple and green pigments. The wallpaper, in a natural […]


239225 slate grey wallpaper is one of our solid plain color wallpaper. The slate gray is a gray color with a slight azure tinge that is a representation of the average color of slate rock. You will love the combination of colors, an equal mix of purple and green pigments. The wallpaper, in a natural rock color, is classic, timeless, formal, conservative, and sophisticated.

You will also find slate grey in our brick wallpaper catalog. Natural slate rock is the finest grained defoliated metamorphic rock you will get. Look no further.

Foliation is caused by strong compression causing fine grained clay flakes to regrow in planes perpendicular to the compression. When expertly “cut” by striking parallel to the foliation, with a specialized tool in the quarry, many slates will form smooth flat sheets of stone. These sheets have long been used for wall decor, roofing, floor tiles, and other purposes. Slate is frequently grey in color.

For its beauty and stability, Slate is used for external flooring, internal flooring as well as wall cladding. Slate grey wallpaper of brick design mimics this kind of wall cladding. Needless to say you will achieve the aesthetics at a fraction of the cost. Slate wallpaper design allows interior decorators to create unique, one-of-a-kind wall decor. Get this wallpaper are available at Wallpaper Kenya in a wide range natural patterns. It will help you accenting a space with unmatched style.

We have at least a hundred different plain color wallpaper designs. Get plain wallpapers in all the color groups. Namely, pink colors wallpapers, purple colors wallpapers, red colors, orange colors, yellow colors, green colors, cyan colors, blue colors, white colors and grey colors wallpapers.