We have very beautiful wallpaper for the walls. But what is beautiful to me might not necessarily be beautiful to you.
However, with our premium access to over 400,000,000 high-resolution Shutterstock images for wallpaper customization you are sure to get the most beautiful wallpaper of your imagination.
And therefore the best approach is for you to tell us exactly what design you have in mind and we will get it for you.
However, we will go ahead and give you ideas about what we consider to be beautiful wallpaper which you can choose from.
Or which might help you to form your own opinion.
The modern abundance of designs allows you to beautifully, originally, and conveniently decorate the room by your preferences.
There are a great many options – and the choice is limited only by your imagination.
But there are certain interior design rules you should follow.
And these rules will help you to create the beautiful room, hall, apartment, or house of your dreams.
The beauty of wallpaper is in the eyes of the beholder
Floral wallpaper is synonymous with beautiful wallpaper.
Beauty is an abstract notion linked to many aspects of human existence.
It is usually defined as a quality of entities that makes them pleasant to perceive. Such entities can be landscapes, people, animals, plants, works of art, etc.
The perception of beauty often involves the interpretation of some entity that is in balance and harmony with nature.
And also one that can lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being.
Because it is a subjective experience, beauty is often said to be in the eye of the beholder.
Bearing in mind that observers are mediated by the environment in which we were born, we look and interpret conditioned by the aesthetic codes agreed upon by the dominant culture.
The fact that something or someone seems beautiful to us does not determine that something or someone is beautiful in itself.
But that I, an observer, attribute the quality of beauty to it based on the canons of beauty that I know.
Flower wallpaper
Floral wallpaper needs a special mention in respect to beautiful wallpaper.
The beauty of flowers has seduced people from very different cultures for centuries.
Flowers being a source of inspiration for artists of different disciplines, wallpaper designers, painters, poets, writers, etc., who have captured in their best works the different sensations that their contemplation gives them produced.
Undoubtedly, one of the most important benefits of placing this type of wallpaper is that you will ensure that the room transmits freshness, associated with the flowers and plants.
But it will also give positivity to any space. That’s because nature is synonymous with energy and good vibes.
Floral wallpaper is timeless but is setting trends at the moment. So placing it will be synonymous with turning your space into a trendy space.
Floral wallpaper is incredibly versatile for creating a fabulous setting. Depending on the specific design, floral wallpapers can be romantic, playful, charming, or natural, to name just a few examples.
And they are suitable for almost any room in private homes, but also provide a charming atmosphere in hotels, and hospitality establishments such as restaurants and cafes, shops, and public facilities.
In addition, flowers have a symbolic meaning, so the specific choice of the floral motif can convey different messages.
Peacock wallpaper
The peacock wallpaper is one of the most attractive and beautiful wallpaper.
There is no need to describe the beauty of this amazing or mysterious creature in our opinion. Because you can see it for yourself.
The peacock wallpaper mural may be able to show a part of this divine power. Beautiful and high quality paper made of beautiful silk fabric.
Gift one of God’s best birds to your home or office.
These wallpaper can be used for all spaces according to your taste, such as living room, bedroom, the wall behind the TV, etc.
Butterfly murals
Another design worthy of special mention in the category of the most beautiful wallpaper is the butterfly.
Because the sheer image or thought of a butterfly expresses beauty and elegance.
Butterflies signal summer, often reminding us of carefree childhood days. They’re beautiful and perhaps a bit mystical, floating on air, flitting from flower to flower seemingly without a plan.
They’re also a cultural metaphor for hope, change, and transformation—a symbol of rebirth or resurrection.
Did you know that there are more than 160,000 different species of butterflies in different regions of the world?
Do you also know that Wallpaper Kenya has a wallpaper design for almost all of these butterflies species?
Well, now you know.
Butterfly girls
They have differences with other butterflies, for example, they are bigger than them and fly in a different way.
Butterfly girls dress like humans.
All butterflies are friends with each other and these differences do not cause a difference between them.
They go to school together and play together in the afternoon.
The main game of butterflies is flight.
They find fragrant flowers, sit on them and enjoy the smell of the flowers while chatting.
By telling this story, imagine a sweet dream for your child to sleep easily…
Make the space more beautiful by installing this beautiful children’s wallpaper on the wall of the child’s room. Let us say the dominant color used in the design is pink.
The best color to match it is white. We suggest using white wood for the desk, bed, etc.
You can get bed sheets, pillows and other sleeping accessories with mild colors such as yellow, blue, lemon and pink, of course, in their light colors, so that the baby sleeps comfortably.
For other supplies and accessories, you can use yellow, purple, green, gray and white colors.
A playroom becomes a more attractive space for every child with this wall poster. It can also be interesting to use in kindergartens and preschools.
For other spaces related to children, such as theaters and children’s theaters, etc., you can also use the butterfly girls wall poster.
Rules for choosing beautiful wallpaper murals
First of all, know that beautiful wallpaper is better judged by not only how it looks but also by what it does.
And therefore choose a wallpaper design, first of all, for the convenience of people, comfortable rest, and productive work.
The main design laws are based on the principles of harmony, “golden section“, integrity, and a competent combination of colors. Also, check for the practicality and environmental friendliness of the wallpaper materials.
And don’t forget to take into account the purpose of the premises- for work, sleep, eating, age, and the residents.
Is the wallpaper for children, couples, or the elderly? The design of the wallpaper also depends on the occupation of the owners, their hobbies, work, and preferred type of recreation is also important.
Elements of beauty in interior decoration
When decorating a space from scratch there are 7 key elements of beautiful wallpaper that most interior designers and decorators rely on to make sure it is balanced.

Element 1: Space
The first thing an interior decorator will do is visit the space they’re styling to get a sense of its dimensions.
Knowing the overall size and where doors and windows are located is essential to a seamless design.
Wallpaper is a decorative element that can give spaces a unique appearance. So choosing the right one, for a particular space, is a task that you should not underestimate.
We are going to focus on home decoration. But our wallpapers are also ideal for decorating restaurants, hotels, boutiques, or any other business.
That the room seems wider, the back wall higher, or that the ceiling feels lower. All these optical effects and spatial sensations in interior decoration can be modified with the use of suitable wallpaper.
Well-placed wallpapers have a lot of power. Read on and discover how to play with these elements to create the beautiful sensation your room needs.
Element 2: Lines
Lines bring structure, creativity, and a sense of direction. There are three types of lines to consider; horizontal, vertical, and dynamic.
The line in wallpaper for wall interior decoration is one of the most important elements of interior design.
Because the line defines the shape of the subject on a flat or two-dimensional wallpaper surface.
And lines can be thin or thick, smooth or rough, rigid or mechanical, or even organic. The line establishes the form and figure.
The line is responsible for harmony, contrast, and unity in interior design and can be used to create movement and guide the eye through a room.
It can be used to show a state of mind; show serenity, strength, action, and passion. Combining the lines and placing them in a design in a certain way can create special effects and feelings.
Different types of lines have different effects on the design.
The line is the trajectory of a moving point in space. And therefore objects and things are perceived by the line that describes them.
Element 3: Form
Form refers to the shapes of the room in general. It could be the shape of the entire space, the furniture, décor, and even the light fittings.
There are two types; geometric and natural. Geometric forms are man-made, such as furniture.
Natural shapes are organic, such as plants. Square shapes tend to embody strength while curves and rounded shapes evoke softness.
Element 4: Light
Light sets the mood of the space; whether it is natural or man-made. A balance of both is required to ensure the room is pleasant from morning to night. The available lighting also informs the best color choices for the space as it helps determine how bright it will be at any moment.
Element 5: Texture
The purpose of texture in a beautiful wallpaper is to add depth and interest. There are two types; visual and actual.
Visual textures are in appearance only, such as marble wallpaper designs. Actual textures are both seen and felt, such as velvet wallpaper.
When looking to sell your home, adding color, texture, and patterns with wallpaper is an easy way to enliven a space without the need for major design updates.
Textures in wallpaper, and interior decoration in general, play as important a role as color or furniture design.
But ignoring them is a common mistake that generates a cold, flat effect. A feeling that something is missing from the room.
The right wallpaper texture is an element that enriches the environment with a fun and dynamic touch that plays with the senses.
But not only in a tactile way. The added value that they give to the rooms is the visual weight of combining the contrast and depth necessary to create accents.
The elements to be included in the decoration should create contrast with each other, by superimposing multiple layers, for a rich and deep design.
Element 6: Pattern
You of course know, by using wallpaper patterns you can add interest and excitement.
Patterns are defined as any repetitive decorative element.
Layering patterns or prints is a beautiful wallpaper design approach that creates a sophisticated and in-depth look in rooms throughout the home.
However, when done incorrectly, the result can be a confusing and sparse space.
That is why we have some recommendations that will surely be useful to you.
Motifs and styles on paper models | |||
Floral motifs | Tropical | Smooth | Geometric |
Stripes | brick imitation | imitation wood | fake stone |
waves | imitation animal skin | Imitation tiles | childish |
Architecture | Concrete effect | Damascus | stars |
Bamboo | Animals | cities | scenery |
There are many aesthetic finishes! Contemporary design, vintage or more modern, minimalist, Art Deco, with classic or more risky geometric patterns.
Practice a coherent wall decoration. Look for something that fits into the interior design of the home without being too strident, you will appreciate it over time.
Element 7: Color
Color is one of the main elements of a beautiful wallpaper since it, (color), influences the perception of space and light. As well as the ability to provoke different sensations in people.
Wallpaper colors bring the room to life and can be used as a complementary or contrasting element. It is often based on color psychology to ensure you set the right feelings in the room.
When decorating walls, it is essential to find a color scheme that is suitable for the size of the room, the amount of natural light, and the effect (relaxing, harmonious, vital…) that you want to achieve.
Wallpaper colors, their meanings, and the most popular use
purity, minimalism, neatness, innocence, and a feeling of cleanliness. It symbolizes light and is considered the color of perfection.
The opportunities for creating attractive and effective features in your home are endless when you use white wallpaper. White wallpaper can add depth and range to any room, while still maintaining the classic appeal that comes with having white walls.
The easiest way to incorporate wallpaper in a space with a minimalist interior design is by leaving aside touches of color and opting for a monochromatic option.
Whether they are lines, dots, or even complete patterns, the most important thing is that the shades are monochromatic and in shades that adapt to the decoration style such as white, beige, or even grey.
Another consideration for a beautiful white wallpaper is the pattern.
And although you can choose a monochrome pattern, it is also important to remember that you can play with more than one color.
neutrality, indecision, boredom, absence, intelligence, and balance. It is usually used as a secondary color to accompany another predominant color.
modernity, fear, mystery, fear, elegance, responsibility.
It is often used to represent luxury brands, and entertainment and is very popular among photography studios.

usually associated with cold, infinity, beauty, generosity, joy, perseverance, youth, and confidence. This color denotes fidelity, rest, serenity, and intelligence.
It is used for advertising masculine products, but not for food products since it suppresses hunger. It is also often used to represent accounting, management, healthcare, entertainment, real estate, and technology companies.
balance, hope, nature, and freshness. It evokes reality, regeneration, patience, security, and stability. On its most negative side, it can lead us to feel emotions of jealousy, immaturity, corrosion, and poison.
This color is often used to represent companies related to agriculture, land, nature, and also welfare.
love, passion, courage. It is an elegant color especially when it is at its dark intensity level.

Warm, fiery color that symbolizes revolution, rage, strength, and vitality.
It is used for important notices, prohibitions, or calls for caution, and to announce cars, motorcycles, energy drinks, risky activities, and sports. It is very popular with businesses and retailers.
strength, energy, heat, and flames, this color excites the senses and attracts.
It also symbolizes joy, happiness, and success, and stimulates the brain and mental activity.
It is widely used in campaigns for young people, healthy eating, or toys.
warm color that transmits strength, will, intellectuality, as well as envy. It is a color of extremely high vitality, which represents creativity, truth, power, and caution.
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