Birds’ design wallpaper is an inspiration when we’re looking to re-decorate our homes with nature designs.
Go for soft, neutral shades and classic images of garden birds and birdcages to create a family atmosphere in your kitchen.
Or make an exotic feature wall in your lounge with our jungle-themed wallpaper to get guests talking.
Your Kids will love bright-colored birds.
So, choose our animated bird and butterfly wallpapers to make a fantastic addition to their nursery, playroom, or, bedroom.
These birds and butterfly wallpaper come in a variety of finishes.
Including vinyl, textured, metallic, and glitter, so that you can get the ideal look for your home.
Why are birds’ design wallpaper so beautiful?

Birds, like most if not all animals, are programmed to have one major goal in life i.e. “reproduction”.
Charles Darwin originally proposed that the so-called secondary sexual characteristics of male animals evolved because of female preferences.
In other words, Darwin says females preferred to mate with individuals that had those features.
Such as the elaborate tails of peacocks, bright plumage, or expandable throat sacs in many birds. And the deep voice in men.
Note that mostly the male bird will be the one with an attractive plumage and the female would look rather dull. Also, note that this is because the female chooses her mate.
And to be chosen the males contest against other males. It is like a fashion show. Males show off their mesmerizing plumage. And the female chooses the one with the best and most vibrant plumage (which signifies good health and vitality).
Birds will select Beautiful mates

In The Science Daily dated September 5, 2017, Santa Fe Institute notes: “A recurring theme in nature documentaries is that of choosy females selecting brightly colored males.
A new study shows that, in monogamous mating systems, male birds may select their lifelong mates in much the same way”.
Physical movements, from daring dives to intricate sequences including wing flaps are part of birds courtship.
I find it fascinating watching head dips, bill rubbing, or different steps of birds performing a courtship ritual. In many species, the male alone will dance for his female while she observes his actions. While in other species both partners interact with one another.
Mistakes in the dance show inexperience, weakness, or hesitancy and would not likely lead to successful mating.
How to Customize Birds Design Wallpaper Mural

Use your HD camera or phone to capture the rich array of birds’ colors and varying displays of plumage.
Birds of all species will easily capture our collective attention. One of the many ways that we appreciate our birds of nature is by the photography of them in the wild.
With the arrival of increasing technological advances, cameras and lenses have given patient photographers the ability to capture photos that can become works of art. Use these photographs to order us to customize your wallpaper.
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