The primary purpose of a business mural, be it wall painting or wallpaper, is communication.

Communication is critical to the success of any business.
Ultimately, wall murals for businesses directly influence the perception of consumers, employees, and future talent.
A good business mural helps the brand to be known and recognized.
Some companies allocate a large part of their budget to marketing and communication.
These investments make it possible to increase a brand’s visibility, convert customers and even develop potential business partnerships.
But not all companies have the means to carry out large-scale marketing operations.

Fortunately, it is still possible to implement cheap communication actions, which bring real added value.
With the implementation of custom-made wallpaper business murals, you are more likely that your collaborators will see your message.
Because the graphic elements that are present on the walls are more attractive.
That is to say, if we go through the corridors of the office, it is much more interesting to observe a mural with colors and large images; than one that is solid color or blank.
In addition, this will allow those who see the messages through a mural to have a better memory of the content they saw.
Therefore, the effectiveness of the message will be greater and the workers will be more informed of the company’s contingency.
As a business proprietor, you could take a smarter approach to marketing your business and products.
Instead of the same old strategies, the company could wow its audience by turning its property into an amazing piece of art that draws people’s attention.
A mural is a great strategy to get attention and generate buzz about the company quickly.
Wall preparation for your business mural
For your business mural to come out well, the walls must be cleaned, puttied, sanded, and primed first.
A prerequisite for your wallpaper business mural installation is a thorough preparation of the wall surfaces on which the wallpaper will be glued.
If there are old wallpapers on the walls, they must be removed. And dry the wall. If the wallpaper is poorly removed, it is necessary to soak the wall and paper with a solution of water.
Soap can be added to the water.
You can add a little wallpaper paste, it will help retain moisture longer. This will speed up the cleaning of the walls a little to prepare for business mural wallpaper.
In places where the wallpaper is difficult to remove from the wall, repeat the procedure with a water solution.
But this is still not enough to prepare the wall for pasting new business mural wallpaper. It is also necessary to remove all screws, dowels, and nails from the wall. Use gypsum mortar to seal holes in the walls.
To seal the holes, use any gypsum putty. It is reinforced with cellulose, which will help in preparing the walls to make the surface even and smooth.
When preparing walls for the wallpaper murals in a damp room, you should use a moisture-resistant putty. Otherwise, the wallpaper will peel off and get wet.
Wall preparation is not limited to sealing holes. For wallpapering end-to-end, it is necessary to completely putty all the walls after pre-priming them.
If the walls are not completely uneven, you need to plaster them before putting them in. Leveling the walls with plaster and putty is important for high-quality wallpapering in the corners.
Increase sales through the visual interest of your business walls art
Custom-made business murals are one of the best options for creating unique spaces with personality.
If you have a business, you already know how important it is to give a good image and to differentiate yourself. A decorative mural is, without a doubt, what you need to decorate your company.
The main objective of commercial interior design is to increase sales through the visual interest of a space or the perception of the brand image.
And the design of your business mural is interior decoration seeking beauty and style according to the brand.
This means that a large part of the experience with your client or consumer is closely linked to how you decorate your business premises.
In an era where competition is brutal and it’s hard to differentiate yourself from the competition, achieving brand identity is essential.
Giving the consumer a good image, which conveys your values and philosophy, will guarantee positive feedback.
Which Wallpaper Kenya manufactures murals in hotels, restaurants, offices, and commercial premises.
Choose your business mural messages well
You must plan the business mural message to be broadcast very well. And be clear about what will be said and how it will be said to achieve the desired impact.
Why? Because the messages to be transmitted are central elements of any plan. It is not just about saying, you have to know what to communicate.
As a marketing tool, the mural could feature a message or slogan related to your company’s brand, and this could appeal to your target demographic.
You need to add elements to the mural that appeal to your target audience and give them more information about the company.
They must be carefully worked on based on the objectives and target audience.
As well as how they will be disseminated and the implementation times of each communicative action.
Keep in mind that all messages must be simple, easy to understand, clear, and concise. Multimedia releases published in different interfaces are a good option, since they capture, entertain and communicate to the audience.
The language must be adapted and in a tone according to the target audience/addressee and the communication objectives. When preparing it, you can ask yourself questions like:
- What do I want to transmit?
- What an interest?
- Does it directly or indirectly affect the recipient?
- How or where is it better to communicate?
Business murals convey messages and values
A business mural is a canvas on which to pour creativity. In this regard, in the case of companies and offices, murals are excellent options in every way.
And is that, on the one hand, they allow the management of the company to transmit in a visual, intuitive, and cheerful way all the information that is of interest to its workers.
That way, they can get the answers they need just by reaching out to them.
On the other hand, by including bright colors to highlight what is truly important, geometric shapes, and different types of calligraphy, the content becomes much more interesting. Undoubtedly, these are elements capable of stimulating whoever sees them both for their message and their coloring, which is the essential basis for attracting attention.
Thanks to them, transforming bland spaces into places that invite you to spend time in them is a possibility within the reach of any company.
Business murals to create a better working environment
It may seem inconsequential to you, but it has been proven that a business mural does its bit to create a better work environment in offices.

Ask most employees what influences the productivity of their task, and they will tell you it is the space in which they perform it. Therefore, getting through these elements to convey inspiration and ‘feeling’ is essential.
For its part, the limits to this type of artistic creation are set by the imagination. And it is that thanks to the use of the best tools and mural creation and editing software that we use today. We can carry out practically anything that our clients can imagine.
In this sense, with just a conversation between the designer and the representative of the company. It is already possible to determine some guidelines that, later, together with the creativity of the expert, give rise to an effective, colorful, and very interesting mural.
In short, if you are looking for a business mural that promotes communication between different strata and adds color and value to the message, you have come to the right place. Currently, we are one of the most prestigious custom-made mural companies and we have specialized professionals. In short, a graphic designer is waiting for you to capture your ideas.
Business mural colors you have to have to enhance productivity
It has been shown that business mural colors directly affect concentration, productivity, and imagination. Therefore, it is a good idea to decorate your workspace using the right series of color tones. If by chance you were thinking of, for instance, a black wallpaper, forget it, monotonous colors lead directly to boredom.
Although there must be a uniform base for it to be a calm space, the bright colors have to be present so that the brain is as active as possible. Orange, yellow, blue, or green will become your allies to improve your creativity at work.
3d white wallpaper
A well-designed 3d white mural is key to creating calm and serene environments, so a blank base in the workspace will be vital to improve concentration.
White transmits calm and gives a feeling of spaciousness and order, essential for better work performance. To speak of the luminosity it brings to the room.
But it is worth taking advantage of the 3d optical illusions to stylize the space and improve the visual perception and sensations experienced by its inhabitants.
For example, a small study will look bigger in your wallpaper with a 3d white mural. While a striped wallpaper along the ceiling line, which has a color similar to that of the walls, will make the room look taller.
And if you add a photomural with views of the sea or a drawing of a palm tree will play with your perception. You will feel as if you were on vacation. Not to mention, what a stronger impact such decorative solutions will have on your guests!
Yellow business murals
To increase the clarity of thought you have to add touches of yellow to your workspace. It is a fact that yellow helps create more optimistic and joyful environments so work will become more enjoyable.
Being such a vivid color, you have to use it in small doses so as not to lose concentration, but it certainly has to be present.
Sky blue
This shade of blue helps improve memory capacity, creates calm environments, and is ideal for freeing the imagination.
All this makes it the ideal color to be in those work corners that require a lot of creativity.
Always in light tones, such as powdery pink or pearl, to create the most inspirational environments. It also helps develop cognitive abilities and stimulates creativity.
These shades of pink and white create a perfect space for those who require serenity and concentration in their workspace.
Blue business murals
In any of its shades, blue is a color that should undoubtedly be present in all workspaces. This color is a born stress fighter, so it is essential to maintain calm and order when working.
It transmits stability and is perfect for creating an environment that favors concentration. It is best to apply it to the most relevant details such as the bottom of the wall.
Everything that evokes nature imagery is synonymous with calm and serenity which helps in business problems solving. Therefore, adding green to the work corner will make it a more appealing space to be.
There are many ways to do this, but one of the most common is to add a large leaf of silver. Not only will you benefit from the concentration that this color provides, but they also purify the environment and help you to have a clear mind.
Orange murals
Having orange murals on your business premises has almost the same effect as having a cup of coffee. Yes, it helps keep you active and awake, so work gets done better.
It favors creativity and also focuses on a single activity.
Murals for restaurants and bars
Many restaurants and bars dare to have a personalized (business mural) image that makes them feel identified.
Customers love to go to restaurants and bars that have a different atmosphere from the rest of the places and original decorations. They enjoy taking photos on their walls.
A good exterior and interior design that identifies with the business philosophy will be the success of your business.
Decorate the different areas of your business with an original style and achieve that decoration of modern bars. Or decoration of cocktail bars that you want so much in a simple and accessible way.
Forget about those old bar decorations that take up a lot of space and get the photomurals for cafeterias on this list, which thanks to their finishes will allow you to decorate the walls without having to lose space in your rooms. But rather they will provide, thanks to their realistic aspects, a spacious feeling that everyone will love.
Configure your orders with our tools and don’t worry about not getting that decoration that fits your needs, since with the option that we offer you to be able to select the measurements, colors, materials, and finishes on the web you will get your products to have a personalized format, unique and fully adjusted. Decorating bars has never been so easy.
Why a business mural is an indispensable office décor
More and more establishments are opting for business murals not only as a decorative element but also as a way of differentiating themselves from their competitors.
And as a marketing tool to help position their brands in the mind of the consumer or build awareness. In short, more and more are joining the use of decorative murals as a sales tool.
The versatility of custom-made wallpaper murals allows designs to be adapted to your type of business. In addition, if this is accompanied, as is our case, by a Marketing department, (which advises our clients on how to get the best out of the design.
So that it is not only a mere decorative element but also a sales tool), We have the perfect combination.
A decoration, through personalized decorative business murals, will have many benefits for your businesses, in addition to becoming the owner of authentic works of art.
The businesses that most demand personalized murals are generally businesses that seek a more urban air focused on the new generations; restaurants, cafeterias, hamburger bars… In other words, businesses that want to achieve a vintage air. And in some cases, businesses that want to create relaxed atmospheres, or transport the client to any part of the world. And these are mechanical workshops; hairdressers and barbershops; aesthetic clinics, etc.
These are businesses that want to mark the style that differentiates them from their competitors. And that provides an experience for customers.
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