
Imagine that any Harry Potter Wall Mural image you want is available at Wallpaper Kenya. Yes, because all our wall mural wallpaper are custom made.
So, you may go ahead and choose from any one on this page. But if you have an image in mind that you can’t see, just contact us. And we’ll search the Warner Bros. image database to see if we can find it for you.
From there give us the height and width of the wall where you want to install the wall mural and you will have it the following day.
Harry Potter is a global phenomenon and one of the greatest fantasy stories in history. First a book, then a movie, but in very close succession, the story hit the big screen very soon after JK Rowling let the ink dry.
Some of the most memorable Harry Potter Wall Mural images came from the Harry Potter movies. But also you can pick any one page from the book and use the text as wallpaper.
Using theatrical images, stills and GGI from the movies, we create the world’s best digital murals tailor-made for you. Of course, you can choose any scene. From Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin and even any text from the adventure story book.
Bring Magic Home with Harry Potter Wall Murals

Throughout all parts of the saga, the guys learn new magic tricks, improve their skills and go through new more difficult tests.
During a series of magical adventures, we see how guys from small clumsy children are formed into more self-confident adolescents who are not alien to simple human problems – love, friendship, betrayal.
The saga “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” starts with an amazing story that has become a whole new universe as a result. Every little thing in the story has its own important role in revealing the characters and their personal dramas.
Nothing is described here by chance or just to make the plot spectacular.
But only after reading all the parts will you be able to get a complete picture and comprehend Rowling’s idea. And why your child chooses a particular scene for their Harry Potter Wall Mural.
Aesthetics and morals of Harry Potter Murals
The Harry Potter Wall Murals Fairy, besides aesthetics, are a great tool for teaching your kids about conflict resolution, the development of characters, heroes and villains. And simply broadening their imagination. Furthermore, it helps them differentiate fiction to non-fiction stories.
Whilst often forgotten, fairy story tales should be considered as timeless. As parents and teachers it is a good idea to research ways you can introduce this genre to children. And allow them to enjoy the stories you, your parents and grandparents have maintained as part of the story telling tradition of our cultures.
Harry Potter is the child of love and the representative of good and as such incapable of deliberate willful evil. He knows that there are things worse than death, namely a life in fear of death and without love. And this is the great moral of the story and the wall murals.
Opposite him stands Voldemort as the representative of death, power, nihilism, and evil. Because he at all costs will have power and attain immortality.
These are the main lines of the review of the seven Harry Potter books that this material deals with: analyzes, interpretations, lots of references and the detection of allusions to mythology, religious symbols and narratives, and assignments for teaching.
Presenting scenes of the Harry Potter in wall mural visual art inspires to discuss philosophical and religious.
Evil, death and fate as themes are the framework for a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the entire authorship. It reaches far and wide and is incredibly inspiring. The saga and the murals are fantasy with a development story. And with a built-in moral message.
Pluss Harry Potter Wall Murals as a collection are inspiring and reflective of a great deal of substantive knowledge.
Hogwarts Mural
The Harry Potter Hogwarts Murals depict Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. When the four greatest wizards of the time, longtime friends, decided to unite to create a place of fulfillment, of learning that could also serve as a refuge for wizards differences appear.
It is Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin build the Hogwarts school of witchcraft. And very quickly go in search of wizards with the necessary skills to teach magic to the students.
But the first differences appear. Indeed, the differences of point of view concerning the choice of the pupils and the subjects taught multiply, the school is then divided into four distinct houses.
Each house takes the name of its founder. The four founders, whose days are numbered, have the idea of giving a bewitched hat the power to distribute each new pupil in the house which corresponds to him.
Despite everything, the tensions are intensifying. Salazar Slytherin categorically refuses the admission of Muggle-born children , people he believes are not worthy of studying magic.
Conversely, the other three founders oppose and insist that all can be formed. Slytherin finally leaves the castle, not without reason. Even today, the tensions between the houses, especially between the students of Gryffindor and those of Slytherin , are as sharp as ever.
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