S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper

KSh 2,000.00

S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper will bring warmth to your interior. Use it as a ornament or decoration. Natural stone 3d wallpaper has a natural charm and represents the connection of nature and the earth. Decorative stone wall is a nice idea for wall decoration in the living room. which […]



S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper

S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper
S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper

S-20071 Natural Stone 3d Wallpaper will bring warmth to your interior. Use it as a ornament or decoration. Natural stone 3d wallpaper has a natural charm and represents the connection of nature and the earth. Decorative stone wall is a nice idea for wall decoration in the living room. which can completely transforms the living space.

Real stone wall in the living room creates a feeling of cold. All this can be mitigated by setting fireplace to the side where there is a stone wall. Which will bring warmth to this space and the whole environment. Another idea is that only the fireplace can be surrounded by stone slabs. To build a stone wall is not always possible. It is also not necessary to demolish the existing wall. Simply wrap the existing wall with our stone wallpaper wallpaper.

Marble and granite Wallpaper

As of today, August 2019, the latest innovation in wallpaper is contact paper. In our collection of contact paper are marble and granite contact paper. This is a revolutionary product that comes in natural marble and granite colors. The major positive difference between ordinary wallpaper and the marble and granite contact paper is that they are 100% waterproof. That mean you can now use natural stone wallpaper in wet areas such as bathroom walls and kitchen walls.

The wallpaper is so tough you can use it for kitchen counter tops. I have seen people use it for flooring. Visit wallpaper to see a demonstrative of these decorative natural stone wallpapers.