Wallpaper wholesalers
We are wallpaper wholesalers, importers, and suppliers in Kenya. And we also deal in 3D custom-made wallpaper.
There are few other such dealers. Because it is a new kind of trade. As such there are hardly any real good wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya. Furthermore, the process involves International Trade. Because there is not a single wallpaper manufacturer in Kenya. It starts with importation to Kenya. Followed by Warehousing or storage, usually in Nairobi.

Finally, you complete the process by selling to interior decorators and home improvement shops. Usually in large quantities. Like most other businesses, wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya trade is bulk buying and selling. Nay, at Wallpaper Kenya you can buy minimal wallpaper rolls at wholesale prices.
Some purportedly Wallpaper Wholesalers in Kenya are Commission Agents. Others are brokers, wallpaper Sales Agents, or self-employed Representatives. Nevertheless non of these trade intermediaries are the owners of the wallpaper, which they sell. Our wallpaper wholesale operations are different. We shorten this supply chain for the benefit of wallpaper clients and interior designers.

Wallpaper Kenya is a wallpaper wholesaler that offers you the best wallpaper prices. This helps you get the highest Profit Margins. Our system offers you even much more, including training and helping you market your business.
Wallpaper Wholesalers with a difference
As Wallpaper wholesalers, Wallpaper Kenya takes a very different style from others.
Traditionally wallpaper wholesalers and commission agents would demand you to buy in bulk to get Trade Discount. In contrast, our clients do not have to buy in bulk from Wallpaper Kenya to enjoy trade discounts. You can buy one wallpaper roll at a handsome wallpaper Wholesale Price. You don’t need to buy wallpaper in bulk to get it at wholesale prices.

Isn’t it better to buy exactly what you require, when you require? Buy even one roll at our wallpaper wholesalers’ prices. To do so, register as a trade customer with us. Trade customers eligible for wholesale prices include; Interior Designers; Interior Decorators; Hardware Shops; and Home Improvement stores.

Wallpaper Kenya encourages you to start your own wallpaper business. By starting a wallpaper business you help in bringing the wallpaper closer to the end-user. You bridge the gap between wallpaper wholesalers and the end-user. Therefore you add value to the wallpaper. You also add utility value to the wallpaper. You do so by buying at wallpaper wholesalers’ prices and selling retail. And most importantly by installing wallpaper.

Wallpaper adhesive wholesalers in Kenya

Wallpaper and wallpaper adhesives go hand in hand. Just like we are wallpaper wholesalers so are we wallpaper adhesives wholesalers. Likewise, we sell wallpaper adhesives at wholesale prices. A sachet of 180 grams of wallpaper adhesive goes for Sh. 250 wholesale prices. Such a sachet is enough to hang one to six standard size rolls of wallpaper.
Wallpaper wholesalers’ assembling and warehousing in Kenya.

There are many reasons which make Wallpaper Kenya stand out as a wallpaper wholesaler. The key to the wallpaper wholesale business is warehousing. There can be no true wallpaper wholesale business without warehousing. Incidentally, we assemble wallpaper from different manufacturers and provide warehousing. Besides breaking bulk for you, we offer a wide variety of wallpaper designs from different manufacturers.
As merchant wallpaper wholesalers and stockiest from different wallpaper manufacturers, we stand out. Wallpaper Kenya is a fully independent wallpaper wholesaler local company registered in Kenya.
Unlike wallpaper commission agents or manufacturer’s reps, we are not tied to one source. For that reason, we source from different manufacturers in Europe, Asia, and America. That is how Wallpaper Kenya acquires a wider variety of wallpaper designs than others. We source the best wallpaper designs from different manufacturers.
Benefits of dealing with Wallpaper Kenya as your wallpaper wholesalers:

First of all, we give you wallpaper at the best wallpaper wholesalers’ prices. Then we help you with the start-up process if need be. Furthermore, we will train your wallpaper installation staff for free. To most people, the biggest benefit is being able to start a wallpaper business without much capital.
By providing you with wallpaper at wholesaler prices in any quantity you will not have to tie working capital. That means you can wait until you get your first order before you buy from us. Why not if you can buy even one roll from us at wholesale price?
Other benefits include providing you with a wide variety of wallpaper designs. All our wholesale wallpaper is imported through Kenyan Government approved shipping agents. Ultimately these ensure and maintains wallpaper quality with international standards. And Kenya Bureau of Standards too.
Business is all about making money. You save time and money by engaging a wallpaper wholesaler such as Wallpaper Kenya. This is achieved by reducing the number of producer contacts needed. Also, providing wallpaper warehousing frees you of unnecessary rental costs.
Finally, we minimize your shipping costs. Buying wholesale in larger quantities and distributing in smaller amounts.
Wallpaper Kenya Wholesalers’ marketing role
On big projects, we work closely with our wholesale customers. We do our best to help you attract professional clients. Including Estate Agents, and Developers. Specifically, we help you with promotional materials and skills. After you identify prospects likely to buy large quantities.
Wallpaper wholesaling is our core business. We aim for our wallpaper wholesale customers to be able to retail at the same prices as we do. In any case that is the true meaning of trade discounting. Meaning you buy wallpaper wholesale and sell at the same price as we do. And you still make a handsome profit. Complementing each other rather than competing is our style. In other words, we do not wish to compete with our wallpaper wholesale customers. Consequently, wallpaper wholesale prices are not available to everybody. Members of ADKE, Association of Designers of Kenya, Registered Home Improvement and Interior Décor Shops. Also, other Appointed Wallpaper Kenya Agents only do qualify for Wholesale trade discounts.
Professional wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya.
Wallpaper Kenya is a firm founding member of the Association of Designers of Kenya ADKe. Consequently, Professional Members, Associate Members, and Firm Members of Adke are eligible to wallpaper wholesale prices. Home improvement shops and interior designers not members of ADKE welcome to register with us. Subsequently, you may take advantage of our free wallpaper installation training. Then you qualify for wallpaper wholesale trade discounts. In conclusion, we want to encourage all to start wallpaper businesses in all corners of Kenya. In so doing we strategically make wallpaper affordable to a wider populace.
Wallpaper Kenya Wholesale Model
Wholesale wallpaper operations at Wallpaper Kenya are modeled to help you to easily source wallpaper at low prices. You can set margins and markups for the end consumer and quickly access wallpaper from our store. The following heading is the model of our wallpaper wholesale operations:
At first glance, you might think Wallpaper Kenya operates like the traditional wallpaper wholesalers. Differently, you do not have to buy in bulk to qualify for wholesale price. No other wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya offer that. Of importance is that you are buying the wallpaper for business. Not as the end-user.
Whatever quantity of wallpaper you buy does not matter. Don’t forget you don’t have to keep stock as we have a warehouse. You only come to buy from us after selling to your client and receiving nonpayment. No need to break a bank, you use your client’s money to trade. We reduce the risk of loss of money for you.
Technology aiding wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya
As with just about every type of business, Wallpaper Kenya uses the current practices in solving wallpaper wholesale challenges. That is we combine the use of the internet and other technologies to relate easier with our clients. Also, you too can expand your sales channels, online B2B marketplaces provide a great opportunity for expansion.
But is modern technology the right choice for you?
We use modern technology for our wallpaper wholesale business solutions. These are apps and tools based on advanced and modern technology. Therefore, we are the wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya who stock the current trends. Using modern technology we know what the market demands.
Modes of payment open to our wallpaper wholesale buyers include cash, cheques, and electronic payments.
Wallpaper Wholesalers Market Report
An increase in real estate is what propels the growth of the wallpaper wholesale market. Modern technology results in the durability and convenience of wallpaper installation. The two increases wallpaper wholesalers’ demand in the industry. Furthermore, wallpaper can mask flaws in the wall that are impossible through paint. Environmental friendliness, the absence of harmful substances, boost the wallpaper wholesale market growth. Did you know that lead is found in paint and is very harmful?
Growth in sophistication in the middle-class housing needs also makes way for the growth of wallpaper wholesale in Kenya.
Who are Wallpaper Distributors?
Three types of operations can perform the functions of a wallpaper wholesaler. These are wallpaper wholesalers distributors; wallpaper manufacturers’ sales branches and offices; wallpaper wholesalers agents, wallpaper wholesalers brokers, and commission agents. As wallpaper wholesalers distributors, we run an independently owned and operated wallpaper wholesale business. Ours is to buy and sell wallpaper. Generally, our operations are run from our Langata Road, Nairobi warehouses. That is where wallpaper is received and later shipped to customers.
Certified Wallpaper Wholesale Distributors are who you, the Retailer, want to work with directly. We are the only wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya who offer true wallpaper wholesalers’ prices. WE ARE the only real wallpaper wholesalers in Kenya.
Real Certified Wallpaper Wholesalers Distributors are connected directly with the Manufacturers of wallpaper they warehouse and distribute. The Manufacturers know who we are and ship bulk quantities of wallpaper they produce for us. It’s our job as Wallpaper Wholesalers Distributor to “distribute” the wallpaper to Retailers.
Wallpaper Kenya Wholesaler/Retailer Loyalty Program
Creating a new customer base will always be part of our job. But it is equally important to convert existing customers into repeat customers. That’s why we invest in a customers loyalty program. Our customer’s loyalty programs are just about offering discounts. We use your purchase history and provided data to present you with timely and relevant offers. Wallpaper Kenya endeavors to offer you positive customer experiences, satisfaction, and product value to help your business grow.
By definition, a customer loyalty program is a marketing approach that recognizes and rewards customers who purchase or engage with a brand regularly. A company may dole out points or perks, and graduate customers to higher levels of loyalty the more they buy. These incentives and specific benefits often result in the customer becoming a more regular consumer or the ideal — a brand promoter. Benefits may involve free merchandise, rewards, coupons, or insider perks like early access to new products.
We throw in an extra product with your purchase as a way to reinforce our relationship. We believe in creating a customer-centric with our retailers. For example, we need to build credibility with you through personalized interactions that recall what has happened previously between you and Wallpaper Kenya. Gradually, we hope to build momentum as you get on board — to cement a lifelong relationship.
Marketing Wallpaper Kenya Wholesale Business
Wallpaper Kenya has a challenge when it comes to marketing our wholesale wallpaper and business. Whereas we are aware strategic marketing tactics can help scale our visibility there is a downside. The key is to market smart through the consistent application of fundamental marketing concepts suitable for our retail partners like you. That renders the number of advertising options open to us very little. Whereas we are aware of traditional advertising like TV & radio, the challenge is identifying solutions that are appropriate for you. We are aware using mass media for advertising will not only attract wholesale buyers but end-users as well. In the end, we would not be able to handle the supervision of wallpaper installation to such a flood of end-users. Therefore it is better for Wallpaper Kenya, to advertise your business, you as our customer than to advertise our-self.
Even in advertising your business, No doubt about it, the Internet has had a dramatic impact on TV and radio advertising. Rather than tuning in for information, many buyers now prefer to get their news and entertainment through online sources. Broadcast advertising is sort of not for you and not for us. We would like to discuss these one to one with you. When your business grows, we grow together. That is why we are eager to help you grow your wallpaper business.
Summary of Wallpaper Kenya Operations
As Wallpaper Wholesalers we sell at wholesale prices to anyone. Either a person or an organization—other than the end consumer. Most of the wallpaper in Kenya passes through our hands. As intermediaries between producers and consumers of wallpaper, we facilitate transport, preparation of quantities, and storage. And finally, the sale of wallpaper is ultimately destined for customers. Particularly small retailers and interior decorators. Large retail companies may buy directly from the manufacturers. And often they have their intermediate warehousing operations. But the limited resources of independent home improvement stores make alliances with wallpaper wholesalers a practical necessity.
Although as wallpaper wholesalers we also own retail operations, as wholesalers we do not compete for end-customers. Indeed, many wallpaper wholesale operations are owned by wallpaper manufacturers. Even in these instances, however, the enterprise’s wholesaling branch exists to facilitate the movement of wallpaper from one area to a market demand in another area. Wallpaper Wholesalers provides manufacturers with an expanded consumer market potential in terms of geographical locations and consumer purchasing power. While at the same time providing them a cash flow.
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