90176 Black & White stripes wallpaper
Black and white striped wallpaper can easily make a small room appear bigger. The classic black & white stripes wallpaper lends so much to high style and glamour. See how gorgeous the above pictured guest room, with black and white stripes wallpaper on the walls is. How fantastic would it be to have this as your guest room?
Black and white stripes wallpaper are sometimes called zebra wallpaper. However, even though zebras have black and white stripes, the stripes are not straight like in this particular wallpaper pictured here. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual zebra.
Black and white stripes wallpaper come in different stripe sizes and layouts, vertical stripes are common but you also get horizontal stripes and diagonal stripes.
Black color power can convey feelings of mystery and seriousness. A black wallpaper is considered elegant and has a thinning effect that everyone loves. Black is by definition the most elegant color and the other one that completes it is white. No matter what kind of combinations you would like to make, for clothes or furniture, or paint or wallpaper, these two contrasting colors will always harmoniously.
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