Why not print your own wallpaper designs?
Walls don’t always have to be white or any solid color.
Wallpaper printing is back in style and invites you to be creative and design your own wallpaper.
Yes, you can create your motifs and photographs as wallpaper prints.
Just print out your custom photo wallpaper because custom wallpaper can add a special touch to rooms.
For example, redesign your company’s reception area and print wallpaper in your corporate design or with a matching image.
You can use such wallpapers in principle in all interiors. Whether in the office, at an exhibition, or house.
And thus contribute to the overall feeling of comfort.
But we also have premium access to over 400,000,000 high-resolution images you can choose from.
You can choose any of these extraordinary images to print your own wallpaper.
The image can be anything from your own or your children’s drawing to a family photo.
You can order non-woven wallpaper printing, vinyl-coated wallpaper, or buy paper wallpaper to order.
The printing of non-woven photo wallpapers is the most popular because, in addition to any image, you can choose a texture with imitation of linen, leather, and frescoes.
You can order photo wallpaper on canvas from us.
This is a unique opportunity to turn a wall into a work of art.
We print photo wallpapers on canvas and other materials without intermediaries, significantly reducing printing costs and production time.
Benefits to print your own wallpaper design
Each of us has stylistic preferences and tastes you can capture if you print your own wallpaper designs.
It is more or less the same way we strive to express ourselves in one way or another: in clothes, hair, makeup, and, of course, our interior.
This is no coincidence because where you spend most of your time, you should be as comfortable and cozy as possible.
It’s no secret that the house is a reflection of yourself, your inner world.
And to express your individuality in the interior, you better opt for custom-made finishing materials.
Of course, this is the very opportunity for your self-expression.
A stylish pattern on the walls makes it possible to radically transform the space, add a bright accent or set the main theme of the design.
At Wallpaper Kenya we do not limit you in images and formats of your wallpaper – these products are made to order.
You can choose absolutely any theme and the size you need.
Only after careful coordination of all the details of the order, the design will go into printing and only then for you.
1. Make a Feature in Interior Décor
Feature walls are becoming increasingly popular in bedrooms, dining rooms, and living rooms.
More and more people are using custom-printed wallpapers to make a statement in their home décor.
These wallpapers offer a wide variety of designs that give a deceptive lifelike look.
You can choose a unique custom wallpaper pattern and style to depict your taste in home décor.
2. Work for Any Location
Custom-printed wallpapers are not just limited to one specific area or location in your home.
You can use them in several different rooms to create several different moods.
For instance, you can choose a vibrant custom print wallpaper for your living room.
And a sophisticated one for your bedroom depending on the theme of your home interior.
Just by using some creativity, you can jazz up any room and can convert it into a welcoming space.
3. Can be Fully Customized
Custom print wallpaper is more efficient than regular wallpaper because you can customize it into any style.
Unlike other wallpapers, custom print wallpapers have non-repeated patterns.
And look like an astonishing mural piece of art on the walls.
You can have any print that you wish including your photos.
You can get accurate measurements of your walls and have a custom wallpaper fully customized to fit those specific dimensions.
4. Hide Imperfections Perfectly
If you have not revamped your home for quite a long time now, the walls may have visible blemishes and imperfections in them.
Using custom print wallpapers on those walls is the perfect solution to hide all those imperfections.
And give an entirely new look to your home interior.
Instead of painting all the walls again to hide those imperfections, you can easily print your own wallpapers to save your walls.
5. Convenient and Time-Saving
Custom-printed wallpapers are very easy to clean and maintain.
If something goes wrong, you can easily replace them without damaging your walls.
Besides that, they are also convenient and time-saving. Because you can easily apply them and take less time.
The durability of these wallpapers makes them a perfect choice for almost every kind of home interior.
Benefits to printing your own wallpaper for business
You can print your own wallpaper as a way to add texture, color, and personality to your business premises.
Many companies tend to forget about the amazing benefits of custom wallpapers. And how they can give their business the boost they need.
From being durable surfaces to making consumers look at your store, installing your own customized wallpaper has many advantages.
They are also unique and memorable. And your custom wallpapers can help you define the identity of your brand, too.
Your own print personalize wallpapers define your brand
One of the benefits of your own custom wallpapers is that they are a great tool for defining the identity of your brand.
This type of in-store design is fully customizable. This means that you can choose to print anything that enhances your brand’s identity.
When you go for a design that highlights your company’s values, your customers will relate to that. And will want to share it with their friends.
They will also be comfortable when associating these values with your brand.
Once this happens, they will start developing a loyalty to your brand that you might have been missing before installing your custom wallpaper.
Personalize wallpaper designs are unique and memorable
Print your own unique and memorable wallpaper designs.
Once you have caught the attention of your customers, you also want to have them come back in the future.
One of the most amazing benefits of custom wallpapers is that they are unique and memorable.
When we walk into a store, a hotel, a restaurant, or any other business with custom wallpapers, we remember the entire experience.
Therefore, we are very likely to talk to our friends about these places and recommend they do business with the stores.
Word of mouth is still a very powerful tool that every business wants to take advantage of.
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